RPF (Railway Protection Force) Jobs 2018 Apply for 2030 Female Constable Post at rpfonlinereg.in

RPF Recruitment 2018 (CEN 01/2016)Apply for 2030 Female Constable Post at rpfonlinereg.in :
Ministry of Railways in association with Railway Protection Force has finally issued most awaited centralized employment notice (CEN 01/2016) for RPF Recruitment 2018 and inviting online application for total 2030 women constable on main portal site at rpfonlinereg.in so those female candidates who are striving to serve for nation this is good opportunity for them to grab.
Nowadays so many campaigns are introduced by either state government or central government regarding to women empowerment and government is continuously trying to give benefit to all needy person. Before it is saying that women can only do housework but nowadays women candidates are also eligible to do other jobs as well. Please stay connected with us as we will provide information about rpf 18000 constable recruitment 2018 here as soon as any news we get.
According to new notification published by Indian railway, they are inspiring women candidates to submit online application in order to fill up total 2030 vacancies of female constable in railway protection force (RPF) and railway protection special force (RPSF) though it is better to first of all go through whole advertisement and read it so that you can know whether you are eligible or not. Brief details are as follows.
RPF Female Constable Recruitment 2018 Details:
Total Vacancies: 2030
SC | ST | OBC | UR | TOTAL | |
RPF | 264 | 145 | 614 | 804 | 1827 |
RPSF | 23 | 33 | 52 | 95 | 203 |
Age Limit: As on 1st July 2018, minimum age of the applicants should be 18 years while maximum 25 years and please note that you have to provide both birth certificate and 10th class certificate and if there is no date of birth mentioned in it then your application would be rejected instantly. Relaxation in upper age limit is also applicable according to norms of government.
Education Qualification: Candidates must have done matriculation at least and must be a holder of valid certificate of any other equivalent qualification. Please note that mentioned qualification must be hold by all applicants on or before last date of application.
Selection Procedure:
- Written exam
- PET/PMT (Physical exam)
- Document Verification
- Bonus marks on sports or ncc certificates
First of all after scrutinizing application, those who are eligible will be called to face written test of objective type question and those who qualify in it will be called for physical examination in which height of applicants would be measured. After that they have to face vent of high jump and long jump and only after qualify in it, will be called for document verification. For more details please follow notification.
Important Dates to remind:
- Online Application starts from: 30th January 2018
- Last date for submission of online application: 1st March 2018
How to apply RPF Recruitment 2018?
Please note that only female candidates need to apply for this recruitment drive and they have to submit their application through online mode only. Applications made via offline mode such as direct or posts would be summarily rejected. Steps to apply online are below.
- First of all visit rpfonlinereg.in and click on”Employment Notice No. 01/2016”
- Now all you need to do is just read and understand their requirements and needs and if you are fulfilling it then you can proceed further for submission of application.
- For application submission, click on “Apply Now” but before filling it you are requested to check “How to apply” tab in order to understand which kind of steps should be taken during filling it.
- Fill that blank application form using instructions said in notification and submit it along with necessary attachments such as passport size photo, signature, left and right thumb impression.
- For more details please refer to official advertisement from below link.
Apply Online for RPF Recruitment 2018
Official Website: rpfonlinereg.in
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