Interview Questions And Answers For NDA NA Exam 2018

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NDA NA SSB Interview Questions
In the selection procedure of UPSC NDA NA Exam, the candidates need to attend the SSB Round and if they clear this round they are eligible for the defence services. The UPSC NDA NA Exam is just the first step of selection but actually the main round is SSB Interview. The candidates need to be prepared for the interview process as it will help them to gain self- confidence to face all the questions thrown at them in the interview.
Sample Question Answer For NDA SSB Exam-
- Tell us about yourself?
- Describe your name?
- What are your hobbies?
- What you think you can do for defence services?
Some general knowledge questions are asked to check the general awareness of the candidate. It is an important part of the presence of mind of every individual. The rapid fire round is being conducted so that the abilities of candidate can be judged. The questions based on normal life like-
- Tell us about your family background?
- Is your any family member into defence services?
- Tell us about your school life?
- What was the most challenging situation of your life?
- What are your hobbies?
- What you do in your pastime?
- Tell us about your friends?
- Sing a song for us
- Say something by which we’ll get impressed by you
- What are your aims and goals in life?
Interview Tips for SSB interview-
- Be what you are in front of panel
- Answer the questions looking into the eyes of interviewer
- Give the answers very intelligently
- Don’t panic
- Be well dressed as it gives you the confidence
- Keep your mind fresh so as to answer the questions which are analytical
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