IBPS SO Result 2018 CWE 5 Score Card Available at www.ibps.in

IBPS SO Result 2018 CWE 5 Score Card Available at www.ibps.in :
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection will soon going to release results and cut off marks of specialist officer 5 exam in terms of IBPS SO Result 2018 along with IBPS SO Score Card 2018 on main portal site at www.ibps.in so those candidates who have appeared in this examination and desperate to know when will be results declared then please stay connected with us for more information on this.
Most of banking related aspirants all already aware with the word “IBPS”, it is an autonomous body which has started to working since 1975 and it regulates all the banking recruitment matters for various high reputed posts in nationalized and rural banks of the country. As a part of selection, ibps simultaneously organize various competitive examinations for checking eligibility.
Few times back in November 2018, authorities have published notification in order to invite online application for fifth edition of specialist officer’s cadre posts in participating banks or organizations. Below mentioned list of vacancies are names of posts which are to be filled up through this online examination.
- T. Officer (Scale-I)
- Agricultural Field Officer (Scale-I)
- Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale-I)
- Law Officer (Scale-I)
- HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I)
- Marketing Officer (Scale-I)
Online examination was recently taken on 30th and 31st January 2018 in which more than 2 millions candidates have appeared from various parts of the country and now they are very anxious to check out their results and performance in and thus they are finding ibps so result 2018 date but as of now, neither officials nor any other unofficial sources stated about it.
As per out prediction, IBPS clerk mains result 2018 is yet to be declared so so result 2018 might be declared only after that declaration but this is just prediction so please don’t spread rumors on this. In fact we are advising that you should daily check official portal site of ibps at www.ibps.in in order to make sure you haven’t missed any updates. You can also bookmark this page as well because we will also keep you updated on this regard as well.
Official Website: www.ibps.in
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