IBPS Clerk Result 2018 CWE V Mains Exam Score Card Available at ibps.in

IBPS Clerk Result 2018 CWE V Mains Exam Score Card Available at ibps.in :
IBPS CWE – V Clerk Recult 2016
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has conduct Common Written Examination for Clerical Cadre. Thousands of interested candidates who want job in banking sector applied for the opportunity and they will have to go through three phase selection process to be finally recruited.
the candidates who had qualify in preliminary exam which was held on 5th to 13th December. Now its time for Mains exam IBPS has conduct Mains Examination (IBPS CWE 5) to fill up vacancies in participants institutes and exam was taken on 2nd & 3rd January 2018, and now Authority is all set to declare IBPS Clerk Mains Result 2018 in this current month January. as per news resource and previous year recod it is expected that result should be declare after 15th January (tentatively) on its official website www.ibps.in.
IBPS Clerk Result 2018 for CWE V Main Exam
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is an autonomous agency in India, which started its operation in 1975 as Personnel Selection Services (PSS). IBPS conducts a Common Written Examination (CWE) for the selection Officers and Clerks in Indian banks. IBPS CWE is now mandatory for anyone who seeks an employment in 20 public sector and Regional Rural banks. IBPS periodically accepts the exam applications from the candidates at their website, and the exams are organized at various locations in the country in online mode.
Update (15/02/2016): One more news for all IBPS Candidates, Interview for the Junior Level Posts have already been put on Hold. Interview are Expected to be replaced with psychometric test in IBPS junior level posts.
Latest Update (05/02/2016): IBPS has upload new notification regarding to CWE CLERK-V Results you can view notification from bellow link:
Notification CWE Clerk V Main Exam Result
Update (09/02/2016): IBPS will announce Clerk Main exam exam result had been postponed to be declare in month of February 2018 (Tentative). The purpose for it might be because of interviews discontinuation (check notice link bellow). On the off chance that interviews are not going to be held, then IBPS might announce the selection list / list of shortlisted candidates / reserve list before provisional allotment.

IBPS Clerk Result 2018
www.ibps.in cwe clerk v result 2018
- Name of the organization: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
- Name of the post: Clerical Cadre (V)
- Name of the exam: IBPS CWE Clerical Preliminary
- Date of test: 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th December
- Full mark of exam: 100
- Result of Preliminary Exam: By 29th December
- Cut off mark: Not specified
- Further selection process: Main exam and interview
- Main exam date: By January, 2018
- Interview date: By February, 2018
- Provisional Allotment: By April, 2018
- Interview weight: 20%
- Main exam weight: 80%
IBPS Clerk CWE V Mains Exam Resut 2018
The preliminary examination will be conducted online and will be held over a period of four days on 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th December. The exam will be multiple choice based and there will be three parts: English Language (30 marks), Numerical Ability (35 marks) and Reasoning (35 marks). Duration of the exam is 1 hour. There will be negative marking of 0.25 for each wrong answer. Candidates will need to prepare hard for the first phase of the selection process which is the preliminary stage.
ibps cwe clerk v scorecard 2018
IBPS CWE Preliminary Result 2018 is likely to be published within 8-10 days of the last exam day. It is likely that result will be available by 29th December. Those selected in the preliminary slot will be eligible to sit for the main exam which is scheduled to be held on January, 2018. Selected candidates will be able to download admit card for main exam within a few days of IBPS Clerk Cadre V Preliminary Result 2018.
IBPS CWE Clerk Further Selection Process 2018
Main exam will be even more competitive and full mark of the test will be 200. Questions will be set on Reasoning, General Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude and Computer Knowledge. Each part will carry 40 marks. Selected applicants in the main exam will be called for interview which will carry a total of 100 marks. Cut off mark for the viva is 40% for General candidates and 35% for SC/ST category. Interview is likely to be held by February, 2018.
IBPS Clerk (CWE-5) Mains Result / Score Card 2018 Declared at www.ibps.in
Final weight of interview will be 20% and weight of the main exam will be 80%. Final list of selected candidates will be prepared based on 80:20 ratio (80% of main exam and 20% of interview).Finally selected applicants will be subject to provisional allotment and they might be transferred in any bank listed under IBPS. So, the candidates will need to be mentally prepared to shift in any allotted bank.
IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Result 2018 (Available shortly)
IBPSC Clerk Score Card 2018 (Available)
Check IBPS Clerk Result 2018 (Available now)
Official Website : www.ibps.in
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