IBPS PO 2018 Exam Pattern & Syllabus Topic Wise For Prelims + Mains

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IBPS CWE PO 2018 Prelims Exam Pattern:
- Total marks: 100 marks (Each question is of 1 mark)
- Subjects Included: Reasoning (35 marks), English (30 marks), Quantitative Aptitude (35 marks)
- Total Time: 60 minutes
IBPS CWE PO 2018 Mains Exam Pattern:
- Total marks: 200 marks (Each question is of 1 mark)
- Subjects Included: Reasoning (50 marks), English (40 marks), Quantitative Aptitude (50 marks), GK (40 marks), Computer (20 marks)
- Total Time: 120 minutes
- Exam Mode: Both English & Hindi (except English section)
NOTE: In mains exam, there is 0.25 marks deduction for each wrong answer.
IBPS CWE PO/ MT Scores obtained in different sessions will be calculated in totality with the equi- percentile method.
IBPS PO 2018 Selection Procedure: The candidates which will apply for the exam, will be shortlisted after the test and then will be called for interview. The interview is of 100 marks and the cut off score to pass in the examination is not less than 40%.
IBPS CWE PO/ MT 2018 Exam Syllabus-
IBPS CWE PO/MT 2018 Reasoning:
- Missing Letter
- Similar Pattern Matching
- Complete the Series
- Odd One Out
- Fill in the Sequence
The English language will have basic concepts of English language- Vocabulary, Synonym, Antonym, Comprehension passages and other similar things to judge about the English skills.
IBPS CWE PO/MT 2018 Aptitude
- Ratios & Proportions
- Boats & Streams
- Pipes
- Probability
- Permutations & Combinations
- Areas & Volumes
- Problems on Trains
and all related topics…
General Knowledge: This section will cover the questions from all fields- history, political science, geography, culture, society, sports, art etc. The important dates and events including current affairs from India & World level are asked in the exam.
Computer Knowledge: The basic knowledge of computer is excepted which includes- MS Office (Word, powerpoint, access, excel), internet access, use of basic shortcuts etc.
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